Today we are announcing a new product line at Nevermet Press, Stories In The Ether. This new anthology will represent a compelling collection of fantasy, science fiction, and steampunk short stories and flash fiction that were first published online. Stories In The Ether will be published individually through Nevermet Press as a blog series, and later as a collected print, PDF, ePub and audio anthology for fans to enjoy offline or through other means.
Now Accepting Submissions
Starting today we are accepting submissions of short stories (i.e. stories that can be read in one sitting, about 25,000 words or less) and flash fiction (i.e. stories that can be read over a cup of coffee, about 3,000 words or less) for inclusion into the Stories in the Ether blog series and anthology. The published anthology, titled "Stories In The Ether: Volume 1", will be published in early 2012. Authors will be paid royalties and retain rights to their works as detailed in our Submissions Guidelines.No Submission Deadline.
Publication Deadline is December 31, 2011!
We will only be publishing one story per week - so get your submissions in early!
NOTE: There is no fixed deadline! We will be accepting stories on an ongoing basis and wrapping up the project near the end of the year. With that in mind, getting your submissions in early is a good idea to help get the editorial process rolling. Assuming your submission is accepted and makes it through our editorial funnel, your story will be published on the Nevermet Press blog first and later included in the Stories in the Ether anthology in early 2012. Finally, multiple submissions from the same author are perfectly acceptable.F.A.Q.
- How do I make a submission?
- First, review the general submission guidelines for Nevermet Press. Next, email your story to submissions@nevermetpress.com and in the subject line include "Stories in the Ether Submission: [TITLE]". Include your full, legal name, the title and the word count of the story, and your contact information (i.e. postal mailing address, email, etc) in the email's body. Also include a copy of your Author Biography, if you have one. The story submission itself can be attached as a MS Word file (i.e. a .doc or .docx file) or you can include your story directly in the body of the email.
- How does the review process work?
- After you submit your work, the editorial team at Nevermet Press will immediately review it. We then decide whether to Accept or Reject your story. Rejected stories may be invited for a re-submission if the work is close to the mark, but needs revision. You will be notified usually within 2 weeks or so after submission, but we guarantee a response within 60 days.
- What happens after my story is accepted?
- If your story is accepted, we will require you to provide us with a brief Author Biography about yourself (150 words or less), and to make any revisions recommended by the editors before publishing your work. Once a final version of your story is accepted, you will receive a contract from Nevermet Press, and your work will be published on our blog in the near future (you will be notified of the date and URL). Furthermore, your story will be included in the Stories in the Ether anthology in early 2012.
- Can I submit something that was previously published? What if it was published in print?
- Assuming you own the rights to the work, you can submit stories that were published in any medium - print or digital - it doesn't matter. We will be publishing all the accepted stories to our blog first, before going to print. If your story was recently published in the last 3 months elsewhere, we may reject your submission or hold off on publishing it on the blog until later this year (if accepted).
- Who is Nevermet Press?
- We are a creative cooperative of writers, artists, and game designers who have a passion for great stories and roleplaying games. We operate much like a creative collective, so there are usually multiple projects going in parallel and it can be quite busy at times. We were founded in 2009 as an extension of a collaboration between two long-time RPG bloggers Jonathan Jacobs and Michael Brewer. Since that time we've published four books (three in print) and have plans to publish two more in 2011. You can learn more about Nevermet Press on our About page.
- How can I help spread the word?
- Nevermet Press thrives on community participating in our projects. It's one of the cornerstone's of how we like to create things. Maybe you are not a writer, or aren't planning on submitting any stories to the project, but you still want to help. First, that's awesome and you have our thanks! Second, if you would like to support Stories in the Ether, and have a website or blog, feel free to grab either of the two images below to use as banners for the project. Simply link back here and we'll be sure to return the favor!

Thank you!