August 4, 2008

Too excited to title this post...

We've been added to !!! The kind folks over at have added The Core Mechanic to their list of member sites. The new network site is the brain child of some of the biggest names in the tiny world of RPG blogging; so go check them out.

So, there's no new posts today since I'm too busy dancing around my lab like headless chicken. Oh, and they asked that I make a banner/logo, so I came up with this one in a pinch. What do you think?
So, that's it for today.


  1. good stuff! I have to say, I enjoy your blog quite a bit. At-Will just joined as well!

  2. Welcome to both of you! Thanks for commenting and your continued support of The Core Mechanic. The comments, the links from other blogs, the featuring on; it definately is keeping me motivated. This blog is not even a month old yet!


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