August 4, 2010

Open Game Table, Volume 2 - AVAILABLE NOW

Well - as you might imagine - I'm super stoked to announce that the print version of Open Game Table, Volume 2 is available NOW. There are three ways to pick up a copy of the book too! First, if you are going to GenCon, swing by Studio 2 Publishing's booth and pick up a copy directly there. Second, the book will also be available at your local hobby shop later this month; let them know you want a copy and pre-order through them (thus also supporting your local game store). And finally, it can also be ordered directly online from the Open Game Table storefront on Lulu.

It get's even better:  a PDF version of the book is available from for under $10 bucks. Drop by the page and download your copy right now!

Once again... thanks to everyone who contributed to this amazing project. With over 70 volunteers - how could it _not_ be awesome sauce!