May 26, 2009

Take Survey, Win $20.

I've been very actively building a collaboration with bloggers behind Mad Brew Labs and At-Will over the last few months. It all started with our series on Skill Challenges of War (the complete PDF you can now pick up for free, btw). We then managed to land an articles series for Kobold Quarterly (first of three will appear this summer). Things have so far been going amazingly well. We have more ideas of projects than time to pursue them, so we are looking to you (our readers) for some feedback and possibly to help us prioritize things a bit.

If the survey has missed something, or you wish to add your own opinions / insights / suggestions... then please leave a comment on the blog!

All you have to do is fill out a survey. One lucky person who submits their email address along with their survey (its optional to do so) will win a $20 Gift Certificate to! It's that easy! (And don't worry, we won't be using your email address for marketing or other silly things; just for the drawing).

We're trying to get a big turn out for the survey (hence the prize) - so if you have a blog of your own; link backs here would be super awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I've been looking on your blog for the compiled version of the Skill Challenges of War pdf but cannot find it. I think it's a great set of advice for a few roleplaying events I'm building and would greatly enjoy to read over your thoughts while disconnected from the internet. Please direct me, thanks!


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