April 4, 2009

An interview with Wolfgang Baur

I'm working on a small project that is building a time line of RPG history, and during my wikipedia / googling meanderings I stumbled on a 2-part interview with Wolfgang Baur of Open Design and Kobold Quarterly. The interview was convincing enough that I signed up as a "patron" of Open Design's latest project - if anything becuase I'm curious to see how it _really_ works. Nonetheless, for anyone outside the industry (like me), the interview was enjoyable to read with a frank point of view; so I thought I would share the links.



  1. @xero - Hiya! i think i set my handle over there as thecoremechanic; although I'm still not sure how to recieve automatic updates - the RSS feed seems to only deliver the non password protected stuff.

  2. Because it is a friends only page on LJ you can't get it in your RSS reader. Only those made public are pushed out to their feeds. I, like xero visit it ever day or two.


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