October 14, 2008

Open Game Table: Clarification and Discussions

On Sunday I announced a new project named "Open Game Table" which will feature an Anthology of RPG Blogs for 2008 in the next few months. There has been a lively discussion about this over at the RPG Bloggers google group, and I've received a couple of emails as well. Please head over there and take a look at all the issues being discussed.

If you are interested in helping out - then please go and join the OPEN GAME TABLE google group, and directly hook into the development of the Anthology. I'm looking forward to working with you! In the meantime, allow me to offer some clarifications about the submission of content for the Anthology.

First of all, anyone can submit to the anthology any blog post from any blog they think is a "must read" for gamers. Have you ever read something written by an RPG blogger and thought "Oh, wow... that's awesome!"? or "I'm definitely going to use that in my game!"? Well, those are the posts I want submitted to the Anthology. Whether you are a blogger or a blog reader or both - your input and contribution to this project is the first and most important ingredient for the projects success. Without submissions, there will be no Anthology and those hard-working bloggers out there who deserve the attention will not receive it! So please use the submission form below and submit not one, but two (or more!) blog posts you've read and thought "WOW!".

Second clarification - often times bloggers will write a series about something, and it may span many blog posts. Series as well as individual blog posts can both be submitted for consideration in the Anthology. If you want to submit one part of the series, that's OK! If you want to submit the entire series for consideration - that's OK too! Just submit the URL for one or more of them and simply indicate that this post is part of a series - that's it!

Third clarification - There's been some concern over at the RPG Bloggers google group that the author's work is being submitted without their consent - so I just want to clarify: Nothing will be published in Open Game Table unless the author releases the material for inclusion in the Anthology. Posts are simply submitted for consideration; which is the first step towards identifying the best in RPG blogging. Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment here or over at the OPEN GAME TABLE google group. I hope that this clears up any confusion you may have.

Getting the word out - If you have your own blog or website, and want to help get the word out, please use this URL for the submission for is here: http://rpganthology.wufoo.com/forms/open-game-table-2008/ You can also embed the form directly into your blog using the code below:

<iframe height="1288" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:100%;border:none" src="http://rpganthology.wufoo.com/embed/z7x4m1/"><a href="http://rpganthology.wufoo.com/forms/z7x4m1/" title="OPEN GAME TABLE 2008">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a></iframe><small><a href="http://wufoo.com/">Powered by Wufoo</a></small>

In the meantime, here's the submission form again. Thank you for all your support!

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